
I suppose that following outcomes of this article should be emphasized:

a) Rapid development of Information Society and its Networked Economy attracts attention to the role of information interactions in functioning of social systems. Information interactions are the more fundamental level to describe a functioning of a social and economic system then market or hierarchical interactions.

b) Central element of agents' information interactions is "collective information model" of their environment. This element plays the key role in the organizational design for the networked economy.

c) There are some limits on information interactions related with parameters of economic system.

d) Institutional structures are able to channel information interactions beyond the limits. Market and hierarchical interactions are just special cases of such channels.

e) Simplest model of economic system functioning with information interactions includes five types of objects (macro-technology, information space, institutional structures, collective information models, and human actors).

Now we are well prepared to make the second step to building of the general model of the socio-economic system and learn its features. The main target here is the general model of an economy functioning combined descriptions of different economic mechanisms (like market, hierachy, small group and other) under common logical scheme. Research on "how institutional structures exist and work" has the special interest in this framework. It seems our concept can also help to get new responses on questions like "What is the role of institutions and how are they related to the aggregated performance of the socio-economic systems? What is the relation between institutions and the behaviour of the agents?" (Jose Castro Caldas and Helder Coelho).

Another research direction in using of this methodology is the Agent-Based Social Simulation. This work should include "Methodologies and software engineering for agent systems" and "Intelligent information agents" topics. Research task is designing of more efficient "living environment" for information robots and software agents served some kind of online communities (like e-commerce, e-business, researchers networks, and so on).

Next section - References

Previous section - 8. Economy as a complex system of agents with information interactions