Re: virus: Time to infect and inoculate

Zloduska (
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:12:05 -0600

maggs wrote:
> Brain storming, habit forming, battle warning, winsome, weary man
>who's spewing spinless, chilling lines. The critics falling over to tell
>themselves he's boring and really not an awful lot of fun. Well, who the
>hell can he be when he's never had VD and he doesn't even sit on toilet
>seats? Court jesting, never resting, he must be very cunning to assume an
>air of dignity and bless us all with his oratory prowess, his lame brained
>antics and his jumping in the air. And Every night his act's the same, so
>it all must be a game of chess he's playing.
> But you're wrong. You see, its only solitaire.

That was brilliant. What the hell are you talking about?

(quotes, please)
