Re: virus: Time to infect and inoculate

maggs (
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 21:26:08 -0600 (CST)

                                I was inspired from the holy war that i
spent most of Saturday weeding through. Glad you liked it but I am not the original author. Guess who.


"A Husband is a Convenient Part of the Furniture of the House" Mary Wollstonecraft

"I am more than what you define and delienate me to be" Elizabeth Wurtzel

On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Zloduska wrote:

> maggs wrote:
> >
> > Brain storming, habit forming, battle warning, winsome, weary man
> >who's spewing spinless, chilling lines. The critics falling over to tell
> >themselves he's boring and really not an awful lot of fun. Well, who the
> >hell can he be when he's never had VD and he doesn't even sit on toilet
> >seats? Court jesting, never resting, he must be very cunning to assume an
> >air of dignity and bless us all with his oratory prowess, his lame brained
> >antics and his jumping in the air. And Every night his act's the same, so
> >it all must be a game of chess he's playing.
> >
> > But you're wrong. You see, its only solitaire.

> That was brilliant. What the hell are you talking about?
> (quotes, please)
> ~kjs