Re: virus: Truth Table

David Leeper (
Tue, 28 Aug 1956 03:53:06 +0000

> Tad wrote:
> >We are trying to find a name for "something" we all understand somehow.
> >It is a property (or a set of properties) of Objective Reality which
> >makes this
> >world knowable and predictable and lets humans fly without wings.
> Tad!
> Two airplanes collided yesterday and killed 350 people!
> When will you let go of this foolish notion that the world is knowable
> and predictable?
> Admit it! You're a gambler, and the worst kind: one that doesn't know
> when to quit!

I _knew_ you were going to say that! ;->

David Leeper
Homo Deus  
1 + 1 != 2