Re: virus: Angelica de Meme

Tim Rhodes (
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 10:10:39 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Tadeusz Niwinski wrote:

> If I say "angel" I will tend to turn to a priest for answers, if I say
> "meme" I will tend to listen to experts in memetics (and let them become my
> priests). I suggest we try replacing "memes" with "angels" and "devils"
> (just as an "Angelica de Meme" experiment) and see how it changes our
> perspective in each case.

The only problem is that "angels" and "devils" are part a duality that
doesn't fit the meme paradigm. How about just "spirits" (or maybe even
"pixies" or "elves")?

-Prof Tim