Re: virus: Core beliefs

Tim Rhodes (
Wed, 24 Dec 1997 02:37:12 -0800

David McFadzean wrote:

> I think the assertion (tentative of course :-) "the supernatural
> exists only in minds, myths and memes" is reasonably definitive
> of the CoV and sets us apart from most religions. I would also
> hasten to add that this in no way implies that the supernatural
> is irrelevant or has no effect on the world. Agree or disagree?

Agree. (And although I might want to remove the "only", I think it should
stay. For "line in the sand" purposes, if nothing else.)

But you might realize that most people will not assume that "God" falls
into the "supernatural" category. (Some might even argue that God is
herself a natural phenomena.) The average reader (present company
excluded, of course) reads "supernatural" as a specific set of beliefs
(ESP, Astrology, voodoo, etc.) rather than simply as "beyond the natural
world" or "outside of the natural sciences". You may need to expand the
term in order to make the meaning more explicit.

"The supernatural, be it spirits, souls or Gods, find their existence
solely in myths, memes and the mind."

-Prof. Tim