virus: Banner ad prototype - a few suggestions

Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko (
Sat, 10 Jan 1998 01:15:53 -0500

A few remarks on the banner:

I would like to see something like
"memetically engineered atheistic religion"
added to the banner.
I personally get irritated when somebody attempts to lure me into their
site without telling me what it is about.
A short phrase like the one above would add content
description to the dramatic bait.

Where will this banner be displayed?
Link exchanges usually limit banner sizes to 7 or 9K;
in any case, 100K is too large...
(If it goes under 10K, I would be happy to display it on my pages)

There are some programs, like Ulead, that compress animated gifs
by removing inter-frame redundancy and consolidating frame palettes;
may be of use here.

CyberLink Exchange allows to run up to 4 simultaneous banners and
compare clickthrough rates.
(Ulead and CLE are referenced on my Web services page)

Users are known to click on an ad more readily if it contains an explicit call
for action, like: "click here to be converted!" or "sell your soul with one click!"
or something like that.

Alexander Chislenko <>