Re: virus: Language

Brett Robertson (
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 00:51:37 -0500

The word "fuck" also sounds similar to fork, frolick, fickle, fake,
flake, and fink, etc. All these COULD have in common that which is
forked (as in a choice, or conjunction). The term as it might appear if
examining the ontology of the letters themselves (as if the letters
represented various relationships, like a forked tree or a broken branch
might represent the f and the k, or whatever) and these relationships
survied as the words spelled similarly, would indicate that "fuck"
represents a certain combination of relationships-- and none of this
describes how the term might come to be vulgar.

What is more likely is that the term described a common relationship
between objects of particular configurations and was used widely by
common people... thus the term came to be "vulgar" (meaning common or
mean... average)

Brett Lane Robertson
Indiana, USA