Re: virus: urban myths?

Sodom (
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 11:41:33 -0400

Basically what you mean by "so long as you dont piss him off" is that he is
a cybermilitant? effectivly a person with the potential to do great harm
with little effort or realization of the results. One of the things i
learned when I was also in that world (Anarchy - hacker - drugs etc...) was
that there is a huge lack of accountability and responsibility. Anarchy,
though i love the freedom it can offer, is not beneficial in the long run
for individuals or society except in the very short term. I must admit that
I despise our government, and all the governments I have seen thus far, but
I have learned to accept that without government, there would be no public
education, vaccination, saftey on the streets and the list goes on. In a
small collective group with willing participants, anarchy is a great idea.
But otherwise, i doubt it could benefit anyone in the long run. How you you
feel bout it Rich?


Richard Shellehamer wrote:

> Well, like I said, he's also an anarchist. He thinks governments are a
> crock of shit. He would like to see Cyberspace take over as the new
> "greatest country" on earth, which isn't that impossible to imagine.
> He's a little disturbed in some aspects, but he's a good guy over all,
> so long as you don't piss him off ;)
> ____ ___ __----__ _/\
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> _/^_/ \_ ~\ \ ^\__^\../^_/^ )\ ~~~~ _\/
> <__/ ~\__\| ^\.__./^ ~---____--~ ~\
> Rich
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