Re: virus: Virus: Opinions?

sodom (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 17:49:11 -0400

First of all, for the record, I thought I said, and mean to say, that all the
ones I know. acted in such a manner, even the on who is a Bishop. I certainly
dont think abusive behaviour is unique or confined here, it was simply what I
witnessed. Also, it was, until my adulthood, the only cases of family abuse I
was aware of. Also, it was not rape, or continual beating in any case. It was
simply a willingness to take punishment much further than was permitted in my
household. Where I might get a lecture, my friend would get a slug to the gut
and a lecture.

Johnny Rea wrote:

> As you know, everyone is an individual and regardless of religion are
> capable
> of being 'abusive'. I wouldn't doubt it if you knew many Mormon men who
> were
> abusive...but I seriously doubt you didn't know just as many non-Mormons who
> were just as abusive. So, lets not just assume that all Mormon men are
> abusive.
> I am not nor is any active member I know. I do know that my sister's
> ex-husband
> is an ex-communicated Mormon who was HIGHLY abusive.
> JOSEPH Smith (note: he went by Joseph his entire life...not Joe) never
> acknowledged his writings were fancy and that quote by Brigham Young is
> absolutely false. Can you tell me where you got this information?

I will get the Quote from Brigham Young tomorrow, its in something I have at
home. About Joseph Smith, whom non Mormons call Joe, was written up in every
paper in the country. I believe it was related to Diaries, but I will look
further into that one for you.

> As far as the population issue, Mormons believe that all God's children must
> leave his presence, go to Earth and receive a body, live a full life and
> strive
> to be Christ-like in every way, die and be resurrected.
> We believe that we should have as many children as we can support (notice
> the keyword 'SUPPORT') thereby giving bodies to as many spirit children
> as possible. The problems with overpopulation are largely because of
> third world countries and families there having many many more children
> than they can 'support'...i.e. food, clothing, shelter, etc. If a husband
> and wife
> can support 11 children than so be it....
> And since the Mormon church has its own welfare system, no members of the
> church ever need to rely on government assistance.

This seems quite simplistic and selfish. It's simple world resources. Of course
the rich can afford to have children, therby making it more difficult for the
poor. We all know where that leads. The World only has so many resources and it
is environmentally and socially damaging to continually reproduce. Motivations
for heavy reproduction are the same for different stated reasons. It's about
spreading a way of life, it's about power and fear.

> The kindness issue you touched on concerning your childhood friends and
> neighbors is an important one. The morals and values that the Mormon
> church teaches its members is what makes the church so attractive to many
> people today. For example, the FBI and CIA actively recruit return Mormon
> missionaries at BYU for service because of their well known high values and
> morals.
> Thanks.

I cant agree with much of the religious related issues, and as a child, the
concept of morals didnt come into play. They were good kids though and fun to be
with. Never did I or they get in serious trouble.

Bill Roh