Re: virus: Re: Objects all in a row

Wade T.Smith (
Fri, 9 Oct 98 07:21:55 -0400

>So you have to be a materialist to use materials?
>Try telling that to the cathedral builders!

OK, I'll grant the definitional mobius/klein of 'objective world'- not
that it matters a fetid pair of dingo's kidneys to the universe, 'cause
it don't.

But- the material world matters a great deal to the cathedral builders.
And if they'd been more attendant to it, they would have progressed much
further in construction techniques much faster, with less deaths of
workers. Is it not telling that the exclusive use of some materials was
reserved for the cathedrals?

In what way is elite use of materials not materialistic, and in what way
is building such a lofty structure not materialism in its most blatant

Yes, the use of materials is a subset of materialism- especially
ornamentational use.

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god."
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