Re: virus: kurzweil cuts the mustard

Robin Faichney (
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 21:00:02 +0000

In message <19981228145646.AAA24659@[]>, Wade T.Smith
<> writes
>>Shouldn't we be sceptical of a machine's claim to be conscious?
>As much as I remain skeptical of anyone's claim, yes....

Umm, I'd think you should be more sceptical of a machine's
claim than that of a person, simply because you know that
*you* are conscious, and other people are built the same,
but that doesn't apply to machines.

>But, maybe we'll know it when it happens?

How will we be able to tell?

>For me, at the moment, if it can learn language in the way humans learn
>language (by being in the midst of talkers- not by receiving special
>instruction) then it passes.

I'd be very happy to grant such a machine intelligence,
and even to say that, in one respect anyway, it's like
us, but I don't see why I should think it conscious.
