
Here you can find information about Bostropians - Extropians who observe the development of the Universe from Boston, Massachusetts. We meet at Harvard Square on Sundays at 3 pm. Come and join the company!
If you want to subscribe to the Exi-east, the events list for the East Coast extropians, please visit Extropian mailing lists.

If you want to see anything added to this page, please mail me at sasha1@netcom.com with suggestions.

[IMAGE] Alexander "Sasha" Chislenko
[IMAGE] Betsy Schwartz
FutureNerd Steve Witham FutureNerd Steve Witham
[IMAGE] Marvin Minsky
[IMAGE] Simon! Levy
Joost Bonsen
Karl Feynman
Fred Hapgood
Han HuangHan Huang
Phil GoetzPhil Goetz
James LewisJames Wm. Lewis

People who are not officially extropians but come to our gatherings:

Ray J. Solomonoff
Mark Kauderer

Also, see

MIT Extropians
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