Fun and Play
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." - Emma Goldman
I am trying to turn this page into a guide for people who feel that maturity is not
aging in a boring suburban house and forgetting how to hold hands, but in ever-greater
emotional sophistication, boundless personal growth, thrill of adventure, and love to
the world. Today we finally live in the Golden Age when the elements, wild beasts and
hunger are things of the past, and we can start opening up to the world and having real fun.
Can you play with style, never-ending sense of adventure, happiness, and pride?
I am just starting to assemble here some links to good resources that may help
you do that. Please let me know if I am missing something important!
Conway's game of Life by Alan Hensel - play online!
Invisible hand market of ideas - bet on what matters to you.
Game of 20 Questions
Intelligent Humor page
Good place to play games - invite me to play Russian Checkers sometime!
Diplomacy - "The best boad game ever"
Weird and meta-games list by Ron Hale-Evans
- Interactive strategic game on the Web
- lots of games-related links!
The Dilbert Zone
3-D and SIRDS images
The rec.arts.movies database at Mississippi US
Play with pride
Member of Intelligent Website Family

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